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Data from: Phylogeography of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae): Implications for Pest Management

posted on 2024-02-13, 13:56 authored by Vincent Lesieur, Jean-François Martin, David K. Weaver, Kim A. Hoelmer, David R. Smith, Wendell L. Morrill, Nassera Kadiri, Frank B. Peairs, Darren M. Cockrell, Terri L. Randolph, Debra K. Waters, Marie-Claude Bon

The wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), is a key pest of wheat in the northern Great Plains of North America, and damage resulting from this species has recently expanded southward. Current pest management practices are inadequate and uncertainty regarding geographic origin, as well as limited data on population structure and dynamics across North America impede progress towards more informed management. We examined the genetic divergence between samples collected in North America and northeastern Asia, the assumed native range of C. cinctus using two mitochondrial regions (COI and 16S). Subsequently, we characterized the structure of genetic diversity in the main wheat producing areas in North America using a combination of mtDNA marker and microsatellites in samples collected both in wheat fields and in grasses in wildlands. The strong genetic divergence observed between North American samples and Asian congeners, in particular the synonimized C. hyalinatus, did not support the hypothesis of a recent American colonization by C. cinctus. Furthermore, the relatively high genetic diversity both with mtDNA and microsatellite markers offered additional evidence in favor of the native American origin of this pest. The genetic diversity of North American populations is structured into three genetic clusters and these are highly correlated with geography. Regarding the recent southern outbreaks in North America, the results tend to exclude the hypothesis of recent movement of damaging wheat stem sawfly populations from the northern area. The shift in host plant use by local populations appears to be the most likely scenario. Finally, the significance of these findings is discussed in the context of pest management.

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Data contact name

Lesieur, Vincent

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Intended use

The present study shows that there are three different genetic clusters distributed across the North American wheat production area. These distinct evolutionary units, with potentially different biological characteristics, may respond differently to control measures and therefore should be considered as different entities from a biological standpoint and different management units for any type of control.

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Not specified

Geographic Coverage


Geographic location - description

Great Plains; Canada; Montana; Colorado; North America; China; Russia; Turkey

ISO Topic Category

  • biota
  • environment
  • farming

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

phylogeography; Cephus cinctus; Cephidae; pests; wheat; Great Plains region; North America; uncertainty; provenance; population structure; genetic variation; Asia; mitochondria; mitochondrial DNA; microsatellite repeats; grasses; wildland; genetic markers; geography; host plants; population genetics; Montana; haplotypes; pest control; phylogeny; insect pests; sawflies

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

Preferred dataset citation

Lesieur, Vincent; Martin, Jean-François; Weaver, David K.; Hoelmer, Kim A.; Smith, David R.; Morrill, Wendell L.; Kadiri, Nassera; Peairs, Frank B.; Cockrell, Darren M.; Randolph, Terri L.; Waters, Debra K.; Bon, Marie-Claude (2019). Data from: Phylogeography of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae): Implications for Pest Management. PLoS ONE.

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